E3 is held this summer in Los Angeles, CA from June 11th and 12th. Nintendo had officially confirmed today that there will be tournaments held at E3. But not just any tournaments, oh no. We can look forward to the recently announced Super Smash Bros!
With only a few months left, the progress for Super Smash Bros. for Switch seems to be done really fast. Along with Splatoon 2, Nintendo will hold tournaments at E3 with the best players around the globe attending. To take place in the Splatoon 2 Championship and become one of the four teams invited from Nintendo, you can register online on Nintendo’s website. So grab your gear and train on Easter, because qualifiers will be held from April, 21th and the finals take place on April, 28th.
If you have no chance to attend E3 and want to watch the matches, there will be a live stream during the tournament. Besides this thrilling championship, the world sure will be eagerly awaiting first footage of Super Smash Bros!
What do you think of this announcement from Nintendo? Will you watch the live stream? If you have not already seen the trailer, you can watch it here for the highly anticipated fighting game from Nintendo: