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Nintendo Switch deleting play time data after 1 year

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Take note of your play time data while you can! People who received their Nintendo Switch on launch are being greeted with a nasty surprise, as their play time data for launch titles have been erased. Happy birthday Nintendo Switch…


Over on ResetEra, people started mentioning their Zelda play time data had been erased, showing they had played the game 0 days ago. I was able to confirm this to be the case on my own console. It isn’t just Zelda though, every launch game play time data is reset, leaving players unknown as to how long they have spent in such games as Breath of the Wild, Super Bomberman R and 1-2 Switch.

This reset is only happening on the consoles records, all in game play times are safe (which is to be expected). Unfortunately games that don’t keep track of this themselves will leave you in the dark. There has been no word from Nintendo as of writing this article to address this issue.



Are you concerned about losing your play time? Let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter.

Play Time
My poor Zelda play time! It was 2000 hours I swear!

Source: ResetEra, Switch Account Data

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