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Invisiballs Nintendo Switch Review

Invisiballs Switch Review by SwitchWatch

Developer: Digital Kingdom


Publisher: Digital Kingdom

Release Date: May 17th 2018


Price as of Article: $12.99 USD, £8.29 GBP

Game code provided by Digital Kingdom for review


Invisiballs has an interesting concept. The whole game is essentially a game of hide and seek, though there are some twists that make this a little more interesting. You and your friends will all controls balls which you can’t see, and you must essentially try to find each other. Does this concept work? Let’s find out!

The audio is rather lackluster here. The music is minimalist, with an ambient electronic track running underneath everything. There’s not much to it, and it doesn’t carry enough to add anything to the game overall. The sound effects are a bit better, with attack and death sounds being rather impactful. That is about all there is though in the audio department.

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Invisiballs 2

The visuals are also minimalist here, but unlike with the audio, it works in the games favour here. It plays out on a black background, which accentuates the colours of the balls attacks. The walls are also vibrant colours, which makes getting around easy to navigate, which is good considering you can’t see where you are unless attacking.


The game runs super smoothly as well, even when 4 people are playing. There was never a moment where the game chugged or bugged, and overall it made for a pleasant experience.

Invisiballs is a basic game. You control an invisible ball with the ultimate goal of destroying your opponents. The problem is, your enemies balls are also invisible. You have to be careful when you attack though, as doing so exposed where you are.


Controlling your invisiball is made fairly easy. You hit a direction, and doing so launches your ball until it hits a wall. Once it collides with a wall, your joy con will vibrate. Hitting the right face button will activate your attack, which is the only way to destroy the other players.

Invisiballs 1


As basic as the concept is, it is a tricky game to master. Choosing when to expose your location, guessing where the other players are, and keeping track of the mayhem can be hard to wrap your head around. There are many techniques you will begin to develop naturally over time.

When you are in the lead, your ball will light up when you hit a wall, making it hard to run away with a lead. That said, it can also work in your advantage if you know what you are doing. I ended up using people knowing my location to set up traps.


Invisiballs 4

The game isn’t without its issues. When playing on the smallest map with only two players, upon getting the first kill, you can quickly zip to where the player spawns, wait until they can move, then wipe them out over and over until you win. We couldn’t find any way to prevent this, other than the person camping the spawn making a mistake.


Invisiballs is at its best when there are 4 players going at it. It’s chaotic and unpredictable in a way that is quite enjoyable. It isn’t going to entertain you for hours, but is ideal for short half hour sessions. This makes Invisiballs ideal to slot into your couch co-op rotation during gaming sessions with friends.


*This review was written by Lachlan Bruce for


Is Invisiballs worth your hard earned cash? Well that depends entirely on how you game. Do you play multiplayer games with friends in the series room on the same console often? Then the games price feels about right. Do you rarely get together with friends at all and mostly play solo? Then this game isn’t for you, as there is no single player gameplay to speak of.


Original gameplay


Beautiful visuals

Easy to pick up gameplay


Surprisingly deep


Poor soundtrack


Some maps can be exploited

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