This is a bold and exciting move by Microsoft, allowing other platforms to access their Xbox Live services, such as mobile and the Nintendo Switch. Microsoft says allowing more consoles on the service will “enable game developers to connect players between iOS, Android, and Switch in addition to Xbox and any game in the Microsoft Store on Windows PCs.”
At this year’s GCD event that takes place on March 18-22, Microsoft will be holding a session, titled Xbox Live: Growing & Engaging Your Gaming Community Across iOS, Android, Switch, Xbox, and PC. Held by Jeffrey Shi (Principal Program Manager, Team Xbox, Microsoft) and Ramsey Khadder (Software Engineer, Team Xbox, Microsoft), the session will have details on the expansion. Microsoft says this will take Xbox Live to “over 2 billion devices with the release of our new cross-platform Xbox development kit. Xbox Live players are highly engaged and active on Xbox and PC, but now they can take their gaming achievement history, their friends list, their clubs, and more with them to almost every screen.”
Cross-platform online subscriptions seem like the next big thing on the ever-growing list of wants from players and companies so that more people can play with each other. It seems as if Sony is still not on board with cross-play as they will not be appearing in the GDC session.
What do you think about Xbox live on the Switch, will it be a good thing or not? Let us know in the comments below.
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