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Monster Sanctuary has been funded! + Exclusive Interview!
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The Kickstarter campaign for Monster Sanctuary ended on the 22nd of November 2018. Here at SwitchWatch, we covered the game back at the start of November. There were 4,446 backers in total, bringing in a whopping €105,297 from a target pledge of €20,000 Euros. It is safe to say that Monster Sanctuary’s campaign was a monster of a success. With a very modest 20k goal, this has been well and truly smashed by a whopping 425%


Almost all the stretch goals were met with this amount:

Monster Sanctuary stretch goals


Monster Sanctuary is shaping up to be amazing: 100 monsters and their variations, New Game+, PvP has been included, and both versions (Switch and PC) will be released simultaneously.

In the current age of gaming, I believe that PvP is an amazing addition. There will be a lot of people expecting competitive battles in a monster taming game – this will be a massive boon for Monster Sanctuary to get people invested. PvP will be both against friends as well as some form of matchmaking system.  With PvP in Monster Sanctuary, the understanding of monsters’ strengths and weaknesses will be imperative to win, allowing the tactical nature of the game to shine. That is, as long as matchmaking is implemented correctly – for instance, you can only enter PvP matches when you have at least three Monsters at max level. This makes the gear and team composition very important, again, leaning more to the tactical side of the game. 


A New Game+ is always a good idea for the players who want a challenge, making other monsters harder. I have to wonder if you can capture NG+ monsters and raise them for better stats? This could be linked into PvP again, with NG+ battles.

The inclusion of a Speedrun mode has the community excited, I will let Moi Rai, the developer, explain in their exlcusive interview with SwitchWatch:


Interview with Denis Sinner, the Developer of Monster Sanctuary.

1. Since our last interview, how have things been progressing with your game?

“I focused on promoting the Kickstarter. But I’m happy to focus on developing the game again now.”

2. How was the Kickstarter campaign?


“The Kickstarter went better than I could have wished for. It was a lot of work promoting it and answering all the questions on so many platforms, but the success makes it worth it.”

3. How on earth do you react to that amount, after asking for so little to start?

“Honestly, I’m a bit pessimistic so I’ve set a rather small goal: What I thought was the absolute minimum to somehow finish the game with further funding coming in from Early Access next year. I hoped and thought that I would get at least 50.000€ – It turned out to be double that.”

4. Now that the campaign is over, what are you going to do to celebrate?


“Not all that much, since I’m basically a one-man company with my brother helping out, who lives in a different city. Just a little bit with my wife and my small daughter.”

5. So now you have funding and hit a crazy amount of stretch goals, are you ready for the work?

“Yes, I’m already working on the game again. First off, fixing some bugs people discovered in the current demo and then start creating new content for the upcoming beta version early next year.”

6. Is there a break down on the spend from the funds raised?


“Most of it will be my salary and part-time salary for my brother. We plan to hire a freelance artist to create illustrations for the Monsters for the Monster Journal. Some smaller expenses like taxes for the company and paying a tax-accountant.”

7. It’s early but what are the initial ideas on how the Speedrun mode going to be implemented?

“- randomization reduced
– Story content gets skipped
– increased EXP gain
– quick combat animations by default
– last but not least, a timer

We provided some more in-depth information in one of our Kickstarter updates: here.

8. I know it is early, but how are you thinking of implementing PvP?


“You will be able to either battle a friend or get matched against a random opponent. Both players can use all 6 monsters in 3vs3 battles. If a monster dies, the player can replace it with one of the remaining ones until no monster is left.”

9. Have you got ideas for an extra 100 monsters? Or are you looking at the community for help?

“We have a lot of ideas still but we will have a couple of monsters designed by the community. Also, the development of the game will proceed for two more years: A lot of time to come up with additional ideas.”

10. And lastly, is there anything at all you are wanting to say to the backers and our readers?


“Thanks for supporting us and making the Kickstarter campaign a success! We will try our best to develop an awesome game.”

Monster Sanctuary

We here at the Owl can’t wait to get out hands on the full game in 2020. Not sure you can wait, either? We have you covered – there is a demo available to try on Steam or GameJolt. It says it’s 2+ hours of the story but I played the demo for a good 15 hours and have no intention of stopping. From the demo alone, this game is going to be massive – capturing, raising, skill trees for each monster and equipping items, not to mention the PvP.


Monster Sanctuary is running a late backer campaign here, if you want a Kickstarter reward but missed the campaign.

If you can’t wait for this monster taming game, why not check out our Pokemon Let’s Go written review or YouTube review.

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