There are currently many titles on sale on the Nintendo Switch eShop for Black Friday. On the American eShop, there are 33 titles on sale, and on the European eShop, 23 games are on sale. If you have some extra money on your eShop account and would like to pick up some extra games, this would be a great time to do it! Check below for a complete list of the games on sale.
European eShop sales:
- Unepic
- Crimsonland
- Let’s Sing
- Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
- Rive Ultimate Edition
- Siberia
- Jackbox Party Pack 4
- Spelunker Pary
- Neon Chrome
- Volgarr
- Tower of Babel
- Tumblestone
- Inversus
- NBA2K18
- NBA2K18 Legend Edition
- NBA2k18 Legend Edition Gold
- Semispheres
- Rayman Legends Definitive Edition
- R.B.I. Baseball 2017
- Retro City Rampage DX
- QBICS Paint
- Wonder Boy The Dragon’s Trap
- I am Setsuna
American eShop sales
- Heroes of Monkey Tavern
- The Sparkle EVO 2
- Violett
- The Mummy Demastered
- This is the Police
- Jackbox Party Pack 4
- Spelunker Party
- The Flame in the Flood
- Neon Chrome
- Sine Mora EX
- LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
- Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase
- NBA2k18
- NBA2k18 Legend Edition
- NBA2k18 Legend Edition Gold
- Kingdom New Lands
- Semispheres
- The Bridge
- R.B.I. Baseball 2017
- Ironcast
- Ultra Hyperball
- QBICS Paint
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
- Astro Duel Deluxe
- Disgea 5
- PuyoPuyo Tetris
- Wonder Boy The Dragon’s Trap
- Lego City Undercover
- Has Been Heroes
- I am Setsuna
- 1-2-Switch
- Super Bomberman R
If any of those games look appealing to you, hop onto the eShop and check out the deals!
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