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Dragon Quest Builders 2 improves building ability, Multiplayer considered


While Dragon Quest Builders release on Switch is still fresh, Square Enix is not afraid to share thoughts on a sequel. They promise improvements in the building ability, such as other things as well. Many fans are eager to play with others in Multiplayer mode, but will the developer hear their voices regarding that?


The lastest issue of Weekly Famitsu features an interview with director Kazuya Niinou and developer Noriyoshi Fujimoto. The success of Dragon Quest Builders led them easily to the desicion of working on a sequel. Both of them talked about improvements, such as being able to build up three times higher than before. It is also possible to import data from the previous game.

As stated before, many voices were raised and people would love to be able to play with other fans of Dragon Quest Builders. Unfortunately, it’s too early to say if the much requested Multiplayer mode can be realised, so said Square Enix. But they will try to provide some platform of that sort and stated, that the protagonist in the sequel will be named “Malroth”.


Although Lachlan proved in this review that it is highly recommended to play the fusion of Minecraft and Dragon Quest, it is safe to play the sequel without touching the first one before. Currently, a Dragon Quest Builders 2 release is only confirmed for Japan for Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4.


What do you think about a sequel to Dragon Quest Builders 2? Would you like to gather friends for a co-op mode? Let’s hear your opinions in the comment section below!



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