The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sure is a great game. No wonder that the newest addition to the universe dedicated to our hero Link and the lovely princess Zelda has sold more than 1 million copies in Japan! Combining the sales from the releases on the Wii U and the Switch, about 1,004,552 retail versions have gone over the counter. It could very likely have been even more because the source we used has not been updated in months regarding sales for the Wii U. The latest numbers we currently have are 871,528 for the Switch and an additional 133,024 for the Wii U console.
Since Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild is the first game of the Zelda family to break the unbelievable one million mark again over in Japan alone.
How about you guys? Did you already pick up a copy of the winner for the “Game of the Year” award in 2017?