Have you ever used the Switch Online App? No? How about its voice chat functionality? Double no here as well? Well, who is to blame? Both features are not commonly supported on any Nintendo Switch game. The only exception would be Splatoon 2. Using voice chat is important to this game; not only can you communicate with your friends to quickly share strategies but you can also cry for help. You will also have fun while doing it and painting your environment in many colors. You feel connected to the other players which always was, and still is, Nintendo’s goal. So why hesitate on bringing voice chat to other games?
Starbreeze is a company which has shown a strong interest to introduce and support voice chatting in their games on the Nintendo Switch. One of their games, PAYDAY 2, joined the Switch’s game library quite recently on February 23rd and requires quite some coordination among all players. The developer told Kotaku that they would love to give their players the ability to shout out commands when things might get piping hot or to plan their coup carefully beforehand. But, sadly, they have not received the much needed green light from Nintendo for the feature so far.
“We are waiting to be able to participate in Nintendo’s VOIP app solution. As soon as we are given the go-ahead, this is definitely on our list to look into to update”, Starbreeze told Kotaku. After Kotaku reached out to Nintendo regarding this topic via email, they also stated in their reply that “voice chat is only enabled in games that have been specifically designed to use the feature in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch smart device application.” Which leaves many questions unresolved as to whether or not voice chat functionality will be available in PAYDAY 2 in the near future.
PAYDAY 2 is surely a game that would highly benefit through the addition of the voice chat app in order to plan a heist more effectively and avoiding struggles resulting from not having it. So hopefully for a better game experience, voice chatting will be available soon.
Do you think the same and would love to be able to chat with other players via voice chat? Let us know in the comments section below!