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The Horror Streak Continues On Nintendo Switch With Infernium

Infernium Image 2

Already having an impressive collection of horror games on the Nintendo Switch, Infernium is just waiting to be added as one of those titles. This title is waiting around the corner to trigger your fear once more. Finish those other horror games you got, because Infernium will launch in early April 2018!


A non-linear first-person shooter with an eerie vibe, that is my first impression of Infernium. Something is different about this horror game. Instead of shocking the player with one intense moment one at a time, oh no, this game wants you to be in that stage filled with fear and triggering your deepest instincts to run away from the very beginning. So another title playing with your fear and avoiding blunt force to strike back for survival.


Running with the Unreal Engine, be prepared for some survival horror in 17 levels with multiple endings. What do you think about all those horror titles? Are you brave enough to play it on the go where everybody could see you jump? Watch the reveal trailer after you have left a comment down below!

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