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Pokemon Quest, a Free-to-Start Game is released!

Pokemon Quest, a Free-to-Start Game is released!

In a surprise announcement alongside Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee, The Pokemon Company announced that Pokemon Quest will be released on mobile and Nintendo Switch – Right now!

In a very similar vain to recent spin-off Pokemon games, Pokemon Quest is free-to-start. This means you can download it right now and begin playing! There is a catch of course; micro-transactions. Offering various tiers of pricing, you can purchase enhancements for your game to “improve” your experience.


However, as also is the case with previous micro-transaction laden Pokemon games, it seems to be the kind of game you can actually make slow progress in without having to pay a penny.

pokemon quest battle

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The gameplay is reminiscent of Pokemon Rumble which boils down the Pokemon concept to its most basic level. This time your Pokemon of choice moves on its own and attacks on his own with you only providing the special attacks which are on a cool-down timer. Each stage is comprised of waves of wild Pokemon to take down.

Gaining more Pokemon is very different here. As you defeat enemies they will drop ingredients which you can use to cook up meals at your home base. This will attract Pokemon to befriend you. Sadly, this is where the micro-transactions will play on your patience. The meal will only be fully cooked when you have gone on enough “expeditions”. This timer will obviously extend over time and hopefully get you to purchase tickets to speed up the process.



pokemon quest cooking

So far after a while playing I personally think it’s very basic, but harmless and a potentially decent free time waster. Will I be purchasing anything? No, I never have and never will, despite enjoying Pokemon Shuffle. What do you guys think?

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