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Super Rare Games New Title Ready To Pre-Order: The Flame in the Flood

The Flame in the Flood Image 1

Human Fall Flat from Super Rare Games got a physical copy and we are happy to bring you some similar news, just for another game! The Flame in the Flood, a survival game, will also get a physical release and guess what? You can pre-order it today to make sure you get one of the 5,000 available copies!


In this award winning game, the player only has one objective: to stay alive. With a loyal friend on your side you travel by foot or raft through the wilderness. To withstand the permanent danger, you have to craft tools to stay healthy or to be able to stay on the move. Enjoy the magnificent scenery in this unique style while you can, because you will for sure encounter some wildlife… And they have the same goal as you. Simply surviving.

If you have decided to get a phiysical copy of this game, you can per-order it directly off of Super Rare Games website. The order will placed in April, but you can buy it in advance to get one for sure. The game inclused not only the game cartridge itself, though. You are also provided with a booster pack of cards and a sticker.



What do you think about the next game from Super Rare Games? Will you pre-order a copy? If so, let us know in the comments below!

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