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Wizard Of Legend Will Enchant The Switch On May, 15th


This Kickstarter project of two developers based in LA started back in 2017. The interesting combat system and the lovely visuals, sure made heads turn on this title. Now it is official: the dungeon crawler game Wizard Of Legend will finally cast some spells on May, 15th.

Thanks to the help of many fans and Humble Bumble, Contingent99’s project could be released for all the systems out there. In the recent tweet, the announcement for a release date is made clear:


Here some additional details for Wizard Of Legend from the offical homepage:


Fast paced action

Wizard of Legend is a fast paced dungeon crawler with an emphasis on dynamic magical combat. Quick movement and even quicker use of spells will allow you to chain spells together to unleash devastating combinations against your enemies!

Over 100 spells

Unlock over a hundred unique spells and discover powerful spell combinations and synergies! A wide variety of elemental spells allows you to create a hand best suited to your playstyle. Dive head first into the fray or stand back and let your minions do the work for you, the choice is yours!

Local co-op

Grab a friend and tackle the Chaos Trials together in Wizard of Legend’s couch co-op mode! Jump head first into the action in an all out offensive or strategically equip your wizards with spells and items that compliment each other’s playstyle. The battle is not over when your friend is downed in battle. Defeat multiple enemies in a display of skill to grant your partner a chance to rejoin the battle!

Are you picking up that magic wand and give this game a go? Let us know in the comment section!


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