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Three-fourths Home Nintendo Switch Review

Three-fourths Home Switch Review by SwitchWatch

Developer: games


Publisher: Digerati

Release Date: May 10th 2018


Price as of Article: $8.99 USD

Game code provided by Digerati for review


The story of Three-fourths Home follows Kelly as she drives home through a storm. She is on the phone to her family as she drives, and the story is made up of conversations you have with each family member. Unfortunately I can’t say much more than that as it may spoil the experience, due to it being a completely narrative driven game.

I very much enjoyed the 45 minutes it took me to finish the main story. It was told in a very clever way, and the outcome of all the conversations can change depending on what dialogue choices you make. The characters feel very human and are well written.


There is an epilogue in this version of the game, and I wasn’t too thrilled with this portion of the package. Frustratingly I cannot really say why as it will spoil everything, but basically I felt it wasn’t as well written as the base game, and didn’t really add anything to the experience. I also felt that the game would have been better just ending without the epilogue.

Three Fourths Home 1


There isn’t too much going on with the audio, but what little audio there is is used very effectively. The music and sounds change to perfectly capture what your conversations are about and how they are progressing. Overall the sound design is a strength of the game.

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Three-fourths Home has a very basic art style. There is no colour used, instead opting to have a black, grey and white look. Because of this everything looks like a silhouette upon a blank canvas, which I very much enjoyed. What you see in the background on your travels is based on where you are in the conversation, which is a nice touch.


The game runs perfectly as well. There was no point that it slowed down or bugged out. Performance isn’t terribly important in a game like this, but it is always great to see a game with no performance issues.

Three Fourths Home 2


There is very little going on in the gameplay department for Three-fourths Home. That is not a knock against the game mind you, it is just an experience centred around the narrative, with the gameplay there to add to that experience.

Your controls are very basic. With your car, you can use the accelerator to move your car (and the story) forward, turn the headlights on and off, and turn the radio on and off which determines whether you have music playing through the game. Having to use the accelerator to move the story forward is an interesting idea, but unfortunately my hand started to cramp up after about 20 minutes. This made me start to think more about how sore my hand was getting and less on the conversations and story that was unfolding.


Three Fourths Home 3

Speaking of the conversations, they are where most of your gameplay with be focused. As you play you will need to make dialogue choices, which will push the conversation forward in different ways depending on how you react. Also, how you talk to each family member is taken very differently, which is very clever and true to how you would speak to people in general. This is a testament to the strong writing in this regard.


Speaking of the writing, in the extras section there are stories that Kelly’s brother Ben has written. These stories are extremely well written, and I found myself reading all of them. It is a nice little addition to have in this package.

*This review was written by Lachlan Bruce for



Is Three-fourths Home worth your hard earned cash? That is something that is rather difficult to answer. On the one hand, the base game is a strong narrative experience that I definitely feel is worth playing. That said, the game including the epilogue took me less than an hour to complete, and there is no incentive replay it. It is very much a one and done type of game. If you love narrative driven experiences then I would say it is worth your money, but if you are after something you can replay then you won’t find it here.

Three Fourths Home 4



Well told story

Very human characters


Great visual style

Good audio design



Cramp inducing controls

Very little replayability


Epilogue brings down the final act

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