Unexpectedly, Skyrim’s Japanese release date for the Nintendo Switch was announced yesterday when the game suddenly appeared on the region’s eShop. It will be coming out on February 1st. The game is being released somewhat late in Japan compared to its November 17th release last year in Western territories, but this could be a smart marketing strategy.
Skyrim did not perform particularly well in Japan on the PS3 or PS4. According to vgchartz.com, Skyrim sold roughly 250,000 copies in Japan on the PS3 as opposed to its 2,570,000 copies in America and 2,670,000 copies in Europe.
On the PS4, Skryim only sold 80,000 copies in Japan compared to 1,060,000 in the US and 1,190,000 in Europe.
Considering Skyrim’s meager performance in Japan historically, it makes a lot of sense that they would target a slow month with few other large releases for the game to compete with there. I will be keenly observing its weekly sales as reported by the NDP. If it sells particularly well there on the Switch, I will be sure to report on it here.
You can check out my review of Skyrim here.
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